2. He said, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering …”
Genesis 22:2 NASB
2. Any man from the sons of Israel or from the aliens sojourning in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; …
Leviticus 20:2 NASB
(further examples: Leviticus 18:21, Deuteronomy 18:10, 2 Kings 21:6)
Sincere Accusation
The critic gives a list of “clear sacrifices” he has found in the scriptures to support his view that “the Cruel God of the Old Testament” would ask human sacrifices. Is his list convincing? This is a sincere accusation and is worth considering carefully.
The list
The references of human sacrifices according to the critic are as follows:
Genesis 22:2, Exodus 22:29, Leviticus 27:28-29, Numbers 31:25-29, Judges 11:29-40, 2 Samuel 21:1,8-9,14, 1 Kings 13:2, 2 Kings 23:20, 2 Chronicles 34:1-5.
Let’s have a look.
Isaac (Genesis 22:2). He was not slaughtered at all; this example fails.
The first borne sons of Israel (Exodus 22:29). Not one time a first borne has been actually slaughtered; this example fails.
The ban (Leviticus 27:28-29). The ban in relation to people has three possibilities:
– 1. In relation to the first born; he has to be redeemed for five shekels (Numbers 18:16).
– 2. In relation to war ‘a ban on the enemy’ is a conduct of war which was not specifically a Hebrew custom.
– 3. A punishment of death penalty in Israel (2 Samuel 21:1,8-9,14)
The issue of a sacrifice on an altar fails with regard to all options.
Division of the booty (Numbers 31:25-29). Captured men were divided among the sons of Aaron, the Levites and the soldiers of Israel. The men for Aaron are called ‘an offering, a gift’ (donation, levy). Why? The priests didn’t fight in a war, but yet they recieved from the spoil as prescribed in the Law. No slaughtering occured.
Jephtah (Judges 11:29-40). Jephtah didn’t slaughter his daughter. See the article:
Did Jephthah sacrifice his own daughter?
The seven sons of Saul (2 Samuel 21:1,8-9,14). They were sentenced to death for their cooperation with their father Saul to exterminate the Gibeonites. No sacrifice on an altar, but a death penalty; this example fails.
Priests of foreign gods (1 Kings 13:2, 2 Kings 23:20, 2 Chronicles 34:1-5). They were killed on their own altars; not as a sacrifice on the altar of the Lord, but as a punishment and announcement that their gods couldn’t have saved them; this example fails. To understand the negative impact of the Canaanite religions see the article: Is God good to all?
I’m sorry, but this is in no way a convincing list of “evidence”. Not one of the referred examples is a realistic example of a sacrifice to the God of Israel.
No Bible Contradictions