


Unmasking of 25 alleged Bible Contradictions of different nature.
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25 so called Bible Contradictions of the SAB Collection. Some are real questions; however, positive and biblical answers are possible for all. There are always simple and natural answers on alleged Bible Contradictions. Not always easy to find the answers, but here are mine.
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It was said to Moses "You cannot see My [God's] face, for no man can see Me and live!” But what about all the instances where is said that men saw God?
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The critic supposes that there are several examples in the Bible showing God has been tested in the history of Old-Israel which is in direct contradiction to the rule “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.”
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Did Sisera die by the hand of Jael while he was asleep peacefully? This is what we read in Judges 4. However in Judges 5 we read that he bowed down at the feet of Jael and that he then fell dead or so. This description seems to give a different picture of the story.
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Again 25 proposed SAB Bible Contradictions. A closer look shows that they are some times due to mistranslations, often misreadings and even wilful misinterpretations.
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What about the expression: “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, …” (Exodus 20:5) The first of again 25 SAB Contradictions.
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The SAB-critic has searched diligently for an impressing Bible Contradiction and, he thought he had found one in two seemingly conflicting passages in the book of Judges concerning iron chariots.
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In this series many controversial issues, such as: Does hell exist? Does God help in times of need? Is only God holy? How should homosexuals be treated? At what time of day was Jesus crucified?
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The Israelites who entered the land Canaan under Joshua had several wars. One great battle was against the allied Canaanite forces under the leadership of Jabin. However in the book of Judges we read that Jabin, the king of Canaan attacked the Israelites from Hazor with 900 iron chariots. A seeming Bible Contradiction?
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