

Now the Lord said to Moses, “Cut out for yourself two stone tablets like the former ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets which you shattered. …”
Exodus 34:1  NASB

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.”
Exodus 34:27  NASB


So he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread or drink water. And he [He, pres. auth.] wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.
Exodus 34:28  NASB


SAB Contradiction 477


Critics claim
The critic claims that the Bible is inconsistent in saying that God will write the words of the ten commandments on Moses’ stone tablets (Ex 34:1) and a few paragraphs further that He ordered Moses to do that (34:27). These two statements are contradictory.


Objection 1
However, if the critic had read the entire chapter he would have seen that God is not telling Moses to write down the Ten Commandments, but His words concerning some important Jewish issues: (1) The promise of entering into Canaan (34:11-17) combined with the warning not to follow their gods. (2) The feast of the Unleavened Bread (34:18-20) combined with the offerings for the first born boys. (3) Keeping of the Sabbath and the three great festivals (34:21-24). (4) Some general regulations. These issues were all strongly connected with the covenant between God and Israel, but not the covenant itself (34:27).


Objection 2
In the Extra (above) is included the Bible verse in which it is stated that God wrote down the Words of the Covenant, the ten commandments (Exodus 34:28). It is true there are only 7 English translations that write He (or LORD, Adonai) for God instead of he as in the majority of English Bible versions (45) suggesting that Moses wrote the ten Commandments.

This difference in translation shows that most translators did not interpret this as the Word of God itself, as God had clearly stated that He would write the words of the Ten Commandments on the tablets (34:1)  and “God is not a man, that He should lie … Has He said, and will He not do it?” (Numbers 23:19)


No Bible Contradiction


English Bibles
He or God who wrote (Exodus 34:28) in:
21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
(Adonai) Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Living Bible (TLB)
Modern English Version (MEV)
(The LORD) New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
New King James Version (NKJV)
(The LORD) New Living Translation (NLT)
(Some other versions are unclear as they start with He as the first word of the sentence.)

French Bibles
It is more usual in French translations of Exodus 34:28 to refer directly to God: l‘Éternel. “… et l'Éternel écrivit sur les tablettes les paroles de l'alliance, les dix commandements,” in Bible du Semeur (BDS).
Bible Louis Segond (LSG)
Nouvelle Edition de Genève – NEG1979 (NEG1979)
Bible Segond 21 (SG21)
Bible La Colombe
Bible Crampon (Yahweh)
Version Synodale 1911
Bible D. Martin