What about the expression: “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, …” (Exodus 20:5) The first of again 25 SAB Contradictions. Continue reading
In this series many controversial issues, such as: Does hell exist? Does God help in times of need? Is only God holy? How should homosexuals be treated? At what time of day was Jesus crucified? Continue reading
In this series many controversial issues, such as: Can God be found? Do humans have free will? When was the Holy Ghost given? Does God ever lie? Does God love everyone?
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Do evildoers prosper? Is it possible to fall from grace? Should we fear God? Will the righteous flourish? Important questions, aren't they? Or is it all contradictory nonsense? Let's have a look ...
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25 New so called Bible Contradictions, e.g.: Is divorce ever permissible? What kind of animals may we eat? Was John the Baptist Elijah? Is God the creator of evil? And more!
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The fifth series of rejected SAB Contradictions, including: Who carried Jesus’ cross?
How did David kill Goliath? Did Adam die on the day he ate from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil? To whom did Peter deny knowing Jesus?
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A new series of 25 rejected SAB Contradictions. E.g.: Can God do anything? Is childbearing sinful? Is circumcision required? Did Jesus say before the cock crows or before the crock crows twice? Continue reading
This is the third series of 25 rejected SAB Contradictions. Among them are famous problems such as: Who was to blame for original sin? Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus? Should we believe everything? Who makes people deaf and blind? Still intriguing questions and many others.
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This is the second series of 25 rejected SAB Bible Contradictions. Among them are some famous ‘contradictions’ such as: What was in the ark of the covenant? When did Jesus ascend into heaven? How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built? Did Jesus tell his apostles to go barefoot and without a staff?
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This is the first series of 25 rejected SAB Bible Contradictions. Among them are famous problems as: Was Abraham justified by faith or by works? How should adultery be punished? Did God ordain genocide? Does God want some to go to hell? Still intriguing questions and many others.
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